Monday, January 27, 2014

Honest Company products and our family Organic rule - great for WORKING MOMS!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I thought I do this review from the point of view of a busy working mom.
There is a LOT of information out there about The Honest Company's products ( out there. Here is the bottom line to save you some time on reading about all the stuff on the internet: their products are life savers for busy moms.

I've been carefully researching this whole organic products thing for my family. I've been trying to find a happy and easy definition of how far we go into this whole green thing. As everyone already knows, green = money. Yes, I said it, it's expensive and doesn't always work as efficient. This is not the case with most of Honest's products ( I haven't tried everything and I will explain why later). At the same time, I want my daughter to be well rounded and well adjusted. I don't want to protect her from every bad thing and keep her in the bubble that really doesn't exist if she walks out the front door. However, I do care about her health and well being so here are my rules for determining when our family uses organic, biodegradable, and green products:

1. anything that touches her skin on a daily basis
2. anything that she touches that can be ingested
3. fumes that could be emitted and breathed in
4. available organic food (will go into detail about this)

About #1 - Clothes that she wears everyday and towels are washed with Honest Laundry Detergent. Honest pods are wonderful as well. And yes, it works very well. We use these products and love:
Body wash + Shampoo
Leave in conditioner
Lip Balm
Bubble Bath (LOVE LOVE LOVE this, lots and lots of bubbles)
Foaming Hand Soap

About #2 - Wanted to clarify. I used to love 409 but realized that my kid will pick up food from any counter/table and eat it. I don't want her eating 409 or Windex residue. So, we use this from Honest now instead:
Multi-Surface Cleaner (I use this on everything. And surprisingly works really well on stainless steel appliances. Better than my stainless steel cleaner)
Floor Cleaner
Window/Mirror Cleaner (smells like vinegar but vinegar is an edible food)
Bathroom Cleaner

About #3 - This is similar to #2. Specifically, I only use non-toxic cleaning products in her room and playroom

About #4 - I buy organic when available and foods with what I describe as absorbable surfaces. I mix because my daughter needs to have tolerance when there is not organic food available like at restaurants, travelling, and life. But I would like her to have minimal exposure to waxes and all the other nasty stuff that they put in the soil and animals to make them grow fast and big. So, here is what are must organic products for us:
Honest Toddler powder vitamins
Eggs (egg shells are extremely permeable and absorb all the stuff they ingest into the chickens)
and we're limiting fish with all the toxins and radiation

What I don't use organic - stuff like toilet bowl cleaner. My kid stays out of the toilet whether there are toxins in there or not. Toilets need to be cleaned in my house hold with the strongest stuff. I vent out the bathroom and close the door to keep everyone out when using it. So, I've never used Honest's toilet bowl cleaner, sponge, and candle (I don't burn candles with a toddler around).

So, back to Honest Company. Through my year of using Honest stuff, not one product has failed me. The general company policy pretty much does all the research for you. So, you can safely use their products knowing its as natural and non toxic as it can be and for it to work well at the same time. I've converted all my co-workers with and without kids to use their products at home because really, toxins shouldn't be allowed in anyone's body.
And here is why I highly recommend this brand over others - they delivery for FREE right to you. I have not gone to the store in 1.5 years to buy diapers, wipes, cleaning products, body wash, etc. My time with my family is limited as it is and as much as I love Target, I don't need to be going there as much as other parents do. They send it to you on your schedule and completely controllable by you. Their customer service line is a short wait and they are extremely friendly. Join their bundle program, shipping is free. Control when you need you items, no cancellation, no hassle, time saving, good for my family.  And yes, their diapers works (it holds stuff in well).

So, there you have it. Honest Company products are reliable and safe for your family. You can't put a price on time! (Price is reasonable for me too, but that is for you to judge what you would like to spend)

When I have time, I would like to read Jessica Alba's book. I'll get there one day.

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