Saturday, February 15, 2014

Babysitters and Las Madres

This may be more of me complaining than a review. My husband and I don't have a babysitter, period. I've tried and it was TERRIBLE. The credentials of the people on there are completely bogus. I was desperate to find an at home nanny when my daughter was born and tried People with 15+ years showed up at the interview and didn't even know how to hold a baby. I had one lady bring her other 2 kids with her to the interview. I asked her who was going to take her of her own children when she was at my house with my daughter and she replied "I will most likely bring them with me. They are great with children and very caring". That is great your children are well behaved as they are screaming and running around my office during this interview, I'm not sure I want you to turn my house into a child care center when I'm paying a premium to have you come to my house to watch my newborn.
Fast forward 2 years later, we still can't leave Alexis with anyone but her daycare and my parents. I just can't imagine trusting someone of the internet to come over to my house that I don't know to watch my daughter for a couple of hours. My biggest fear is that I'm going to return home and my baby isn't there. Maybe I have trust issues but our daughter is my husband and I's world.
Recently, I joined Las Madres for Working Moms and I love the events they have. It sounds like we're currently working on a babysitting co-op. I can't wait! People I know, people with kids around the same age, and parents that are just as focused on their children's world as we are. I'm really excited for this to get going. I always thought it would be a great idea to have one night off a night and a group of parents rotate. We all drop off the kids at one house while to parents go on date night. I'll probably suggest it to my Las Madres parents and hear their feedback. I highly suggest joining your local Las Madres group for activities and support. There aren't many activities for working parent's schedule. This group has helped me a lot and its only been a month.

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