When I was pregnant with my daughter, I didn't know and do much research on bottles. I knew of Avent, Dr. Brown, and Platex. Well, at least those were the ones that stuck in my head. I went on to register for Dr. Brown because I liked the idea of the air venting to prevent throw ups or the baby ingesting air with her milk. I didn't think too much about all the parts that went into this bottle or cleaning it. My only requirement was that it came in the glass option and if plastic, it was BPA free.
Throughout the year, I've heard nothing but bad things about Dr. Brown. I should correct myself, I hear 1 repeated bad comment about Dr. Brown and it was that there were too many parts and too much work to clean. I heard store employees over and over again deter new moms and scare them. Seemed like all the bad opinions were never about how well the bottle actually worked for the baby. So, I figure I write my experience even though my daughter has long stopped using the bottle.
I wasn't able to breastfeed Alexis. So, she was always on the bottle from day one. I did pump for 1 year and fed her breast milk as much as my body could produce. We used Medela bottles and Dr. Brown at the beginning. With the Medela bottles, Alexis throw up twice. With the Dr. Brown bottles, she's never thrown up. You often hear about burping and burp clothes. We had none of that. She didn't burp and she didn't throw up. (of course, my daughter is a farter. She'll hate me for writing this when she gets older). I honestly don't believe my daughter is extra special and didn't need to burp because she burps like crazy now on her own (and then giggles at herself). I think it was the Dr. Brown bottles that prevented her from ingesting air therefore reducing the need for her to burp. Here are my advice/suggestions that may help with feeding newborns to babies:
1. Feed your child at a 45 degree angle
2. Instead of using the fast flow nipples, use the slower ones. Be patient, let your baby take her time to drink. Take the feeding times and a close bonding time with your child.
3. Warm the milk/breast milk always
4. When feeding your child, always make sure that the nipple is filled with milk. I would tip the bottle over first to fill the nipple up before putting it in her mouth.
And of course, BREAST IS BEST. I don't need to go into this, we all know this. But for those moms that are struggling, here is my advice from my traumatizing experience - do your best and don't stress yourself out. Stressing will lower your production. Everyone's body is different, your best is the best for your baby.
So, I like Dr. Brown bottles. There is a lot of parts to clean but the parts are also replaceable so you don't have to buy new bottles. Just new parts.
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