Monday, March 23, 2015

What nobody tells you about pregnancy

Everyone I've ever met has always only told me about the great things about pregnancy. I've heard things from: it's beautiful, I love my body, its amazing, blah blah blah.

What nobody told me were the negatives about pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, what our bodies can do IS amazing but knowing what you are going through before it happens can help you get through the difficult part of pregnancy during and after. Knowing that what you are experiencing is NORMAL, takes away a lot of the fear that a new mother already has. So, I'm going to put it out there. There may be more but this is what I experienced:

1. Labor is known to be difficult, but the days after labor are actually in my opinion WORSE. Yes, the pain of pushing a baby out after the epidural wears off is excruciating. This makes going to the restroom all the way down to sitting very difficult.

2. On top of the pain from pushing the baby out, breastfeeding is just as painful. But, get through it if you can because it is best for baby. On top of the nipple torture, your uterus contracts at the same time and that is just double the pain.

3. You can swell up a lot during and after. I didn't swell up during probably because I only slept on my left side but I did swell up a lot from the epidural and the IV after childbirth. Took a few days for that to go away.

4. Yes, you walk out of the hospital still about 6 to 7 months pregnant. No, there is not another baby inside.

5. Immense hair loss. Terrifying. But no, you will not go bald and yes, it should grow back. This happens 3 to 6 months after child birth.

6. Loose tummy skin and skin discoloration. That takes a bit of time to go up to 9 months for me.

7. Thirst. Out of no where, you will be dying of thirst. And I mean out of no where. And if you don't get that water right away, yes, it feels like you might die.This is probably due to breastfeeding

8. Prenatals. They really should just re-label them as pre and post natal. Just so you are prepared. You need to keep taking them if you are breastfeeding.

9. Hormonal changes. Remember all those changes you went through to adjust to being pregnant. You get to go through the opposite after so that your hormones return to normal. Yay!....

10. Postpartum. Please read books on this as this is a serious subject no to be taken lightly. Get educated about it before it happens so you are prepared. Make sure you warn and educate your love ones around you as well so they can help you and understand what you will be going through.